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Bighorn River Fishing Update May 19

Water conditions are prime on the Bighorn.  Current flows are around 2500 CFS and should be there for quite some time, as our snowpack is diminishing.  This is a good thing!  We’re looking forward to a lower, normal water Summer for the first time in about 8 years.  Current water temps are in the mid 40’s at the peak of mid day’s heat.  A bit of moss is showing up below 3 Mile creating somewhat of an issue, but still plenty of fishable water before then.  We were wondering where everyone was until this weekend, when it seemed like the entire State of Montana showed up down here!  That being said, the weekends look to be the busier part of the week from here on out.

Low water conditions on the Bighorn.

The recent warm and sunny weather hasn’t really helped out the awesome Dry Fly fishing we were experiencing.  On these nice warmer days, you’re better off going really early or really late in the day.  There are still tons of Midges and Baetis daily.  Small CDC patterns like the Improved Student, Smokejumper, Cripple Thors and CDC Duns are working well.

The small bug game is the deal underneath.  Make sure you have plenty of Midges and Baetis crossover patterns like the LBF, Quill, Green Weenie, Rootbeer Midge and Pheasant tails.  They’re still eating the Sowbugs and Scuds, but size them down into the 16/18 category with this low, clear water.

Still nothing epic going on in the world of streamers.  We need the water temps to come up before the fish really start chasing.

Be sure to check out our COVID-19 special for guide trips from now through June 10!