Bighorn River Report March 21
It looks like COVID-19 regulations have caught up to us in the Bighorn Valley. As of 5 PM yesterday, March 20th, all lodges and accommodations have been asked to close down for at least a week and then a reevaluation will take place. Luckily no cases, yet, in our region. Our retail fly shop will remain open most every morning for shuttles, flies and supplies. Sorry for the depressing news, but on to the fishing!
The Bighorn continues to fish very well, depending on who you talk to… Flows have come up to 5220 CFS and with that, a big surge of insect activity. We found several fish up the past couple of days on Midges. They’re a bit spooky, but not terribly picky. Typical Bighorn Midge patterns – Smokejumpers, Clusters, etc work just fine.
The subsurface game has been really good, in spots. Big (size 12) Cotton Candys and Carpet bugs were the ticket yesterday. The fish seem to like Midges on the upper 3 right now and a Green Weenie or Zebra Midge are hard to beat!
We’ll keep you up to date on happenings down here at the end of the road. Please be safe out there!