Late February Bighorn Update

Talk about a ‘ghost town’. Fort Smith and the River are about as quiet as it gets. If you want solitude on the Bighorn, this is the time. The river is looking great and will be prime shape for our early Spring, whenever that happens.
Current Conditions:
Bighorn Basin – 103%
Wind River – 99%
Flow – 2880 cfs
Water Temp – 37.5 F
The water is cold and clear so standard winter fly fare is the norm. Sowbugs, midges and slow moving streamers.
We are around most mornings in case you need a shuttle or a few bugs. Winter lodging rates and trips are still in effect until mid March or so.

Need a good used boat? We still have a 16′ LP Megabox Clacka for sale. $6800 and includes everything you need to get on the water.