We’re currently experiencing some of the best PMD fishing we’ve seen in years on the Bighorn. The fish are eating them with reckless abandon (a good presentation is still necessary) but it’s damn good! Here is one of our favorite PMD nymphs ever that works across the West and is especially good on the Bighorn. Read more...
We lost another Bighorn legend yesterday. Brad Downey was a well known guide on the Bighorn and just a great guy! We wish his family peace and hope Brad is enjoying some margaritas with the fishing gods!
In honor of Brad, I am featuring the Wondernymph this week. This is a must have Baetis pattern and is a very cool and unique pattern overall. Read more...
Midges are available year round to Bighorn fish. They are especially important in the Spring. On a lower water year, which we are experiencing now, our Bighorn fish become very selective and you must carry a wide variety of Pupa and Larva versions in all sizes and colors. The Green Weenie dates back a good while in Bighorn fly pattern history and has resurfaced as a ‘must have’ pattern this past winter and Spring. Read more...
The Student has long been a staple for anglers on the Bighorn during the hatches of Spring Baetis. It is arguably one of the best patterns for difficult fish. It is often hard to see as it is one of the more sparse CDC patterns we fish, but we changed that. Read more...
We have gone in and added several new patterns to our already extensive Bighorn and Montana fly selection @ flyshopexperts.com. Check out our Custom Shop patterns as well here . These guide developed and tested patterns are found nowhere else in the world! Read more...
Pat Schelle is one of our most valuable assets to our business and provides many of the custom patterns that fill our bins and put Bighorn trout in our nets. Here is a cool article Big Sky Journal did back in 2009 about Pat and his famous pattern, the LBF. If you haven’t fished this pattern yet, you need to! Read more...
Sowbugs have no doubt become maybe the most abundant food source underneath the surface for Bighorn trout. We’ve come quite a ways from the Ray Charles, although still a very effective fly. There’s no doubt this year with a few less fish in the river, the fish will be more selective and having a range of different patterns will be a must. Read more...
Anglers and guides on the Bighorn look forward to the excellent Spring emergences of Baetis as it is the first hatch to get our fish on the heavy feed. We are on the path for a normal Spring season with low, clear water and excellent hatches soon to come. In the past week, our Bighorn trout have really become aware of the abundant Baetis nymphs in the late mornings and afternoons and are now a ‘must have’ pattern on your nymph rig. Read more...

We’ve expanded our fly selection this year to include many custom Sowbug imitations you won’t find anywhere! We have plenty of inventory in the shop as well as our online store. Read more...