The dog days have set in pretty hard here in the Fort. 103 degrees on Wednesday, ouch. But we are starting to cool off at least for a few days which is a welcome reprieve from the blistering heat of late. The middle of the river has a good amount of grass so the water coming down is channeling to the sides providing good visibility and decent fishing on the banks. Read more...
Late summer fishing continues to be good on the Bighorn. There’s a few weeks of busy time left on the river, but crowds have cut down considerably even this past week. The Bighorn fish this summer continue to amaze us with their size and strength, so come on out and give it a shot! Read more...
As expected, August has been nothing short of great. Water levels are prime and the fish are in fantastic shape. The upper 3 has seen the most hatch activity, but also about 70% of the traffic. The fish are well spread out though and everyone is coming back from their days on the water pretty happy! Read more...
Flows are down, fish are up, and mid-summer fishing is in full swing. First week of August is in the books and it’s brought lots of smiles to our guides and dry fly crowds. The river isn’t packed side to side, top to bottom with rising fish all day, but they are where they should be and really good at times. Read more...
We just got word last night flows will continue dropping on the Bighorn until Sunday, at which point we should be around the 4000 CFS mark. The fish haven’t minded the changing water and fishing keeps getting better and better!
DRIES: Get here now! It’s getting good! The Caddis fishing (Black and Tan) was EPIC yesterday afternoon and evening and should continue for a while. Read more...
Summer is getting better and better on the Bighorn. Flows will be down to 5500 CFS as of Wednesday afternoon and should hold steady there for a bit. This is great news for everyone and especially the dry fly crowd!
Black Caddis are out in huge numbers right now providing for some excellent surface fishing. Read more...
It looks like we are actually headed in the right direction! Flows are being decreased each day 500 CFS until we hit 7000 CFS Thursday afternoon. It’s put some of the fish off a bit, but there are plenty of more who seem happy to eat your bugs!
Dry fly fishing is getting better and better!
It appears as our flows are finally on the way down (9100 CFS as of last night). This should be the last of it, should be.. Fishing remains really consistent and will only continue to get better as the water comes down, which should be very soon.
Summer dry fly fishing has kicked off and we’re seeing great numbers of PMD’s, Black Caddis and Yellow Sallies. Read more...
Finally, here is a video of Pete’s Carpet Bug! Read more...
Flows are back up to 9500 CFS but the fish don’t seem to mind! We’re seeing good numbers of PMD’s and Sallies in the mid day and Black Caddis are starting to make an appearance in the evenings. There are finally a decent amount of fish up in side channels and softer edges. Read more...