It looks like we’re finally seeing the effects of June’s high water this Summer.  Our normally scheduled Summer hatches have been a bit lighter than usual.  Fishing has been a bit off and on and maybe more ‘off’ for most.   There are still plenty of fish out there and some days are better than others. Read more...

With the recent weather change, the Bighorn fish are a little off their normal program, but overall fishing has been pretty good.  The whole river has been steady, but the upper few miles has by far been the most consistent.

Black Caddis are around in the late afternoons into the evenings providing some great dry fly fishingRead more...

Things are looking up here on the Bighorn.  Thanks to the Bighorn River Alliance, flows out of Yellowtail dam were shifted from a mix of topwater lake release and some lower level release to lower level only.  This helped drop increasing water temperatures to safe (mid 50’s) levels for the near future.  Read more...

Down, Down, Down she goes

GET READY FOLKS the Bighorn is dropping quickly.  Fishing has been outstanding during the high water, and as the river drops the fishing seems to be only getting better.  7850 cfs as we write this (vs. 10k+ just yesterday) and dropping like a rock.   Word on the street is 5,000 by early next week….we Read more...

Flows are finally on their way back down.  We’re currently at 13K CFS and should continue to drop.  Mostly a subsurface game right now, but a few fish are starting to look up!

Worms still dominate subsurface but we are starting to pick up some fish on big Carpet Bugs, Rays and various Sowbug patterns. Read more...

We hope everyone had a great and safe 4th of July!  Bighorn River flows were on the way down, but have since stabilized at 15000 CFS.  Bighorn Lake inflows are the major contributing factor of whether flows will drop or not.  It was on the drop, but is now back up.  Read more...


The Bighorn is rolling along at 16K CFS and fishing remains excellent!  Water clarity is good, above Soap Creek but there is some sediment in the water with the higher flows.  Please be careful rowing out there.  There has already been one boat sunk and hopefully no more.

WORMS are on the menu and the fish are taking full advantage of them.  Read more...

Bighorn Flows are up to 15ooo CFS at the moment from all the copious amounts of precipitation that has caught up with us since early Summer.  Fishing has been very very good in the softer spots as the fish have been really concentrated.  This is not a good time to learn how to row and unless you are an experienced oarsperson, we do not recommend floating the river.  Read more...

Flows are on the way up to 7k CFS.  Water temps have come up considerably as the BOR is releasing over the top of the dam.  This has made for some really good fishing and will be even better when flows stabilize.  The river feels BIG out there right now, so please be careful as this is not a time for learning how to row a boat!    Read more...

Water is up again a bit on the Bighorn.  Flows were increased to 3450 CFS a few days back in anticipation of the downpour.  The rain showed up heavy and blew out a good portion of the river below 3 Mile.  With the bump in flows, the moss got let loose a bit as well.  Read more...