Things are starting to look up on the Bighorn.  Water clarity has increased dramatically over the past 5 or 6 days.  There is some grass in the system, but not like it was a couple weeks ago.  Fishing seems to be picking up as well!

This is the time the Bighorn if you’re a streamer junkieRead more...

Not a whole lot of new things going on here.   The wind finally looks like it’s going to take a break.  This should be a good week to get out and fish!

Water visibility is still marginal, although we’ve lost a fair amount of the grass that was in the system.  Read more...

We just had one of our earliest and most extreme cold snaps for the late Fall season.  This is the true start of transition on the Bighorn and ultimately helps clean up the system.  That being said, the grass is making its way out, but definitely presents some obstacles in angling.  Read more...

Things are looking good on the Bighorn.  The water clarity has dramatically improved over the past week.  There is a bit of color, especially on the upper river, but once you get down below 3 Mile, clarity has been pretty good (3-4′) and will only improve with the cooler weather ahead of us.  Read more...

We’re in Fall transition on the Bighorn.  The water clarity is not fantastic, but is not terrible especially toward the lower end of 3-B.  Fishing has still been good, but is very spot specific.  This is the one time of the year I would say the guides are really earning their $ and getting fish in the boat, while other anglers have challenges ahead of them.  Read more...

There is still some good fishing to be had on the Bighorn.  We knew this long spell of amazing fishing couldn’t last all year, so here it is –  Bighorn Lake has started to turn over resulting in ‘green’ conditions throughout the Bighorn.  It’s held off a lot longer than we thought, but it’s here and will be here until the nights really start cooling off.  Read more...

Good things still happening on the Bighorn.  It’s not quite as consistent as previous weeks, but it’s fishing really well overall – A hell of a lot better than the past Septembers!  We’re finally seeing Tricos on the majority of the river, and a few big fish are starting to notice them..  Read more...

We hope everyone is enjoying their extended weekend and are getting out to fish.  Good things are still going on here on the Bighorn.  We’re finally headed towards a big cool down, which should keep the fish happy and the fishing great through September.

The Caddis window is starting to wrap up overall.  Read more...

The Bighorn continues to provide very solid fishing as we move into September.  Flows are stable at 2400 cfs and clarity is pretty darn good.  Not like what we’ve seen in the past few years with the ‘green’ water.  The grass is growing in spots, mainly the Upper 3, but also provides us with the great amount of insects found out there right now.  Read more...

Ok, so there’s definitely some BS with a lot of fishing reports (I try not to), but not right now.  The Bighorn has been fishing pretty insane.  The amount of fish and size of fish just amazes us right now, and it just keeps going!

Pheasant tail season here.  Just about any PT version right now will get you fish all day long.  Read more...